Global Governance Institution













Statement on Legal and institutional frameworks: the human rights of minorities and conflict prevention


Andy TIAN, Founder & President of Global Governance Institution


1. The practice of protecting the rights and interests of ethnic minorities in China is precisely governed by laws and policies. One is the Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy, and the other is the poverty reduction policy implemented by successive governments in the form of national strategies. These laws and policies help China realize the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead in its plan. A good example is Tibetan Ding Zhen, who as a beneficiary has really captured a great number of international fans.


2. The politicized accusation of genocide in Xinjiang driven by big power competition has successfully diverted the global attention and covered up the fact that 56 ethnic groups in China live in peace and common prosperity, which is precisely the best practice that China can provide to the international community on protecting the rights and interests of ethnic minorities. Another reason why China's successful practice has been neglected is that when the international community examines China's human rights issues, it always makes a horizontal comparison between the East and the West with a magnifying glass, and never observes China's changes from a vertical perspective.


3. The United States should have chosen to out-compete China through fair competition and self-development, but chose to contain and suppress China. Another direct consequence of the big-power competition, which is imposed upon China by the United States, is the lack of international cooperation in protecting the rights and interests of ethnic minorities. China and the United States should have restricted competition, exerted the international leadership and invested more resources in cooperation to promote the situation of ethnic minorities around the world and as well to prevent conflicts.

